Sunday, January 12, 2014

First Post-op Visit

Six days after surgery, on December 10, I went for my first post-op visit.  I 'thought' I already had a splint on but found out at the appointment that actually, all I had were my post op bandages.  All that came off and I got the first look at the scars on my ankle - eww!

Surgeon said that all looks well and that the incision looks good (and will be barely noticeable - in a year's time!).  So, he turned me over to the ortho tech, Charles, to get a splint put on.  After wrapping my foot with lots of cotton batting, he wet several rolls of fiberglass and molded them under my foot and up the back side of the leg to just under my knee. He held that in place until the fiberglass set up a bit and then wrapped the whole leg in ace wraps.

So, all re-wrapped, Dr. S. said my next appointment would be to get the splint off, stitches out and get a real half-leg cast.  Given his office and holiday schedule, we set it up to have my regular podiatrist do the stitch removal and casting on December 19 at my health plan's office in Gaithersburg (MUCH closer to my home). 

Every time I get out of the house (going down steps on my butt and crawling back up the same way) I exert all kinds of energy that I don't have!  So I was pretty tuckered out by the time we got home and I was able to send my husband off to work.

My life, at this point, still consisted of mostly hanging out in my 'sick bed' in the livingroom, with small excursions up for bathroom breaks and meals.  My world has shrunk to essentially 3 rooms on the first floor of my house.

1 comment:

  1. Did you take the cast off?Hope you feel better and dont have any pain.
